Advertise in The Review of Metaphysics 

Publishers of other journals and books of interest to philosophers are invited to advertise their volumes in The Review of Metaphysics.

The largest book review section of any philosophical journal makes the Review a major forum for the most prominent new titles in the field. Advance notice is given when titles will be reviewed in the upcoming issues, thus enabling publishers to capitalize upon the attention gained for titles with advertisements in the same issue.

The Review‘s worldwide access to the scholarly community makes it a privileged vehicle for the promotion of philosophical titles as well as the titles of related disciplines.

If you wish to advertise in the Review, please contact the Associate Editor.

Published Quarterly

September | December | March | June

Rates, Discount, & Commissions

 Full Page 
 Half Page $150
 Inside Back Cover $300
 4 Full Pages in Consecutive Issues $750
 4 Half Pages in Consecutive Issues $500

No Cash Discount.
Agency Commission 15%


Full Page: 4-5/8″ x 7-3/4″ (28 x 46-1/2 picas)
Half Page: 4-5/8″ x 3-3/4″ (28 x 22-1/2 picas)


Camera Ready Copy Due First Day of Month Prior to Publication Month

Publication Month 
 Camera Ready Copy Due
 March February 1st
 June  May 1st
 September August 1st
 December November 1st

Other Terms

The contents of the advertisement are subject to the approval of the publisher.

Two tearsheets and an invoice will be sent upon publication; payment is due 60 days thereafter.

Circulation and Subscriber Breakdown

~1,300 Subscribers
Foreign Circulation is 40% of total

Subscriber Category
 % of Total
 University Libraries 46%
 Academic Individuals 48%
 Public Libraries 2%
 Non-academic Individuals 2%
 Miscellaneous 2%

Book Reviews

Please direct review copies to the Book Review Editor.  

Due to limitations of space, the Review of Metaphysics cannot guarantee that all books received will be assigned for summary and comment.

All other correspondence should be directed to the Associate Editor.

All prices and terms subject to change.